Experience With a View Tele-Series Preview Call


Once in a while, a program comes along that makes you take a double look. It’s like walking down the street and you think you’re seeing Brad Pitts and Angelina Jolie.  You just have to look again to make sure you’re really seeing what you think you’re seeing.  – What I’m about to tell you is one of those programs that will have you wondering, pondering, and wanting for more.  We call it:  “Experience With A View” – http://ExperienceWithAView.com/preview-call

I have partnered with long-time friend and colleague, Tuck Self, better known as The Rebel Belle, http://TheRebelBelle.com to bring you this very exclusive, exquisite and amazingly“different” program that we proudly call “Experience With A View”  (or more affectionately E-WAV) AND on Wednesday, May 12th at 2 pm (EST) 11 AM Pacific, we’d love you to join us on this preview call that will give you a “taste” of what this new experience with a brand new view is all about.   Go ahead, check it out:  http://ExperienceWithAView.com/preview-call and be sure to register.  Reserve your spot first, and then tell your friends.

You know, when Tuck and I first got together talking about stuff we felt important and impacting to humanity, the ideas just poured right out of our mouths.  It was a beautiful co-creative combined alliance that was cemented in less than 2 hours of cheer brainstorming and deep care about things that matter.  That’s exactly how Experience With a View was conceived.  And now it is time for a sneak peek for your “participating” pleasure.  Or did I forget to tell you that this call is hands-on and very interactive?  Well, it is, and we can’t wait to hear you on the call.

This program is for women and men ready to experience life with rapture, ecstasy and arms wide open to endless possibilities.

Here are some of the hot and sometimes outrageous topics you’ll hear about:

  • Are you in touch with your Inner Volcano?  How to be who your are – NOT who you are not.
  • Finding your Spiritual G-Spot – (State of Grace)
  • Are your passionate inspirations longing for a brighter shine?
  • Are you ready to live a lot juicier life?

We have a very special program designed just for you.  So  joins us for our free preview call of one of the hottest program on this side of the Mississippi on Wednesday, May 12th, 2 pm Eastern, 11 am Pacific.

Register at http://ExperienceWithAView.com/preview-call AND if you want to “view” the Full Monty and not wait to get all the juicy information later in the month, then you must go to:  EXPERIENCE WITH A VIEW – This hot Summer program is scheduled during all 4 Saturdays in June, at NOON Eastern, 9 am Pacific and 6 pm somewhere over the Pond.

From my heart to yours, register now so you won’t miss out on this call, which yes, it is free, and it will be recorded, but we really want you there so we can hear from you! http://ExperienceWithAView.com/preview-call

To your Success, (Always!!!)


Ali R. Rodriguez, Proud Owner of Vision For Success


“Turning Passion into Profits

many Clients at a time”

Get cool tips and quotes to help you grow your business while having a heck of a grand time enjoying a fun-filled life at http://Facebook.com/AliRodriguez

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