How to use Anger to your Advantage


Sometimes we feel really “hot under the collar” –  The reasons vary.  It could have even be over something insignificant, and many of the time,  it is.

However, anger is a powerful emotion and if you know how to use it, you can turn it into an amazing ally and even companion.  It also helps in healing old wounds, it takes you out of the “sadness” state, and actually, it causes you to take action.  So you can go into creating an Action Plan to deal, in an intelligent way, with whatever it was that caused you to be angry in the first place.  You’ll be amazed at the results.

It is also important that you “honor” Anger and tell it how you’re going to use it, from now on.  Be gracious to Anger, and say “Thank You”, as you will feel grateful for the help and relieve it will bring.

Through the years and after many adversities, it was Anger what taught me how to use it, and turn the bad stuff into amazing opportunities that to this day, continues to bring me a huge amount of abundance and joy.

Therefore, I invite you to try it!

If you need further help in this area, I’m your Gal!

Got questions?  Post them in the comments and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can!  Who knows, you may have an Aha moment as a result.

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