Business Solutions



Here it is… Friday is slowly approaching… should you walk away from your office and shut-down your laptop?

It is Summer, should you take vacations with family, friends, or alone…and get away from it all?

The answer is a resonant YES…but, how do you deal with the GUILT?

I know you, I know your heart, I know how you feel.

When business and personal turn into a blurry line of penumbra, here are some thoughts to help you slow down and simplify life:

  • FOCUS on your accomplishments.  Let go of the rest.
  • Identify if your list is full of “busy work” and not meaningful work.
  • Take deep breaths, walk in nature, and appreciate your surroundings.
  • Look for people who will help you achieve your “best work.”
  • Surround yourself with uplifting energy.  It will sustain you.

As a “Life Simplifier” folks come to me to relief stress and obtain a deeper sense of wellness all the way around which is why a Vision Chat with me is timely.  

Be aware that most of the business problems that are keeping you up at night are actually personal problems masquerading as business problems.  In identifying the difference, it becomes much easier to turn things down a notch, take your much deserved break without the guilt, and own the freedom that comes with it.

Check out how to create a:

The idea is for you to relax and enjoy your time away, no matter where, when, nor with whom.

When you take time to re-charge, you’re also inspiring your staff, friends and colleagues to do the same.  It is a healthy habit to cultivate.

Guilt is not a business strategy!   Understanding how to deal with it is of monumental importance.

Help is here.  LET’S CHAT and create a FREE GUILTY ZONE

Learn how to build solutions so that you can enjoy your time away.  

Live with Grace, Elegance and Style,

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