Is There A Formula That Rules How Much Money You’ll Make In Business?


Surprisingly, yes! If you’ve been marketing your buns off, yet find you’re not making any more money then, to quote Million Dollar Marketing Coach Kendall SummerHawk, “it’s likely you’re bumping up against old money ‘b.s.’ that’s keeping you stuck exactly at the income you’re at right now.”

Kendall knows her stuff, having broken out of frustrating 5-figures to now running a thriving million dollar home-based business.

She’s working less than she ever has before and making so much more! Now, lest you think she can’t relate to the rest of us, let me tell you, Kendall is the “real deal!” All authentic heart and soul and totally devoted to helping women entrepreneurs like us break through our limiting money issues.

That’s why you MUST do whatever it takes and come to a free call Kendall is hosting on Thursday, August 13, 2009. She’s going to generously reveal “Beyond Mindset: 5 Money Breakthrough Secrets That Will Instantly Transform Your Business Model, Increase Your Credibility and Put More Money in Your Purse in the Next 90 Days then You’ve Seen All Year.”

Ignore these money breakthroughs and trust me, you’ll continue to experience the gut-wrenching money roller coaster I know you hate.

Ladies, this FREE CALL with Kendall is not for the faint of heart!

She’s going to get pretty personal and tell you the truth – no fluff and no “generalities.” These are the PERSONAL money breakthrough secrets she used to go from frustrating 5-figures to gracefully creating a million dollar home-based business in just 3 short years.

So this call is perfect for you whether you’ve just started your business or you’ve been working at your business several years.

If you know anything about Kendall you can rest assured that this call will be content rich. And, while it is a preview of her brand new Money, Marketing and Soul Intensive: Your Blueprint for a Joyful and Authentic Million Dollar Business LIVE event happening this October 15-18, 2009, she promises you’ll get at least 5 MONEY BREAKTHROUGH ideas from this FREE call and her special FREE bonus video series!

You can find out all about it and register at

I’ll be there for sure so I hope to hear you on the call. .

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