Stop Email waste!


We are constantly bombarded by news, information and plain old junk.   The trick is:  “How do you discern the useful from the wasterful”

Sometimes you have no choice but to read it, right? – Wrong!

Here are a few tips to help you make your time useful, and not wasteful.  There’s an old saying:  “Money comes and goes, but Time, You cant’ get it back!”

  1. Create a list of of topics that you are interested in.
  2. Create a list of topics that you “may” be interested in.
  3. Create a list of topics that you absolutely detest.

By knowing what you are currently interested in, you’ll know to delete that of which you absolutely detest.  Also, anything that in your mind’s eye sounds like a “maybe”; delete it too!  Otherwise, you’re contributing to cluttering your In-Box.

Make the lists you just created into part of your administrative Email criteria to share with your On-Line or On-site assistant so that she or he, can do the reading for you and only save what’s important to you.  This goes for answering Emails as well.  Think about how much time you can save, and how you can put it to good use to do something that you absolutely “love”.

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