Dealing With Overwhelm

Have you ever noticed how people react when they have had it UP to here and they can’t take it anymore?  Has it happened to you?

It’s called “Overwhelm.”  So what do we do with it, we ask?

a) We change the situation

b) We change “our Perception” of the situation

c)  We Leave the situation or

d) We cope with the situation

Then, we prioritize, we make a list, and slowly begin to discern the “MUST DO’s” by putting number or symbols indicating the level of urgency.  From there, we take ACTION towards the most important item on our list.

During the devastation of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and neighboring Gulf cities, we saw first-hand many examples of prioritizing to manage overwhelm.

Did you notice how the Heroes took care of priorities very quickly while the non-heroes just froze w/and eerie inability to act?

Helping others is NOT new to our readers nor to the writer, helping in biblical, devastating proportions IS.  Who  knew we had the internal fortitude to go out of our ways to help no matter what.  This is where Pride and Courage kicks-in, and we all need Courage to face and manage our own overwhelm.

The moral of the story is:  We show courage whenever we are called upon.  We show courage whenever we are needed, we show courage because we are human beings helping other human beings and we care.   We show and must have courage….to manage our overwhelm by prioritizing. We must become our own “heroes”.

When it comes to Courage, you must:

1) Own It

2) Honor It

3) Live by It!

We have but one life:    “Live it with courage, live it with Pride”


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