Do You Hear What I Hear?

Bells are ringing, folks are singing, Goodwill is in the air.

However, it’s not your imagination that you have actually started to think about what was so great in 2005 while the rest of your family is tugging at you and asking: But what about Christmas? It brings you back to reality, doesn’t it? And really……what was so absolutely fabulous about YOUR 2005? This is the Fun part, so don’t skip it. What did you do that was so great? Don’t be shy….It’s about time you start listing your accomplishments… big and small….especially those “little-ones” that sometimes you think they were “no big deal” or don’t amount to much of anything. Look at them again, “no big deal” you said? Umm, they look quite different now, don’t they?

This is the best time to celebrate all of what’ve done, including the not so good, as it is through mistakes that we learn our lessons, and we grow from it. What’s life without growth, right? Better yet, what’s life without contribution.

Think about all the magical moments you created this year, and who all helped you with them.

Look at yourself and think of what all is right with you, with your business, with your life, how have you contributed to making this a profitable year, what will you be doing in 2006 to make it even better. Remember to re-visit your business vision… yes, that vision…the big dream that propelled you to go into business in the first place… the one that provides you with the lifestyle you want, the one that keeps you going, and keeps you passionate, and courageous, and excited about Life… Yes… that one!

Don’t you put it away, don’t file it, and don’t put it where you “think” it belongs. Leave it right there, in front of you to constantly remind you as to why you do what you do, and why you do it so well!

Keep the Vision!!!

My Best Wishes for a Holiday Season full of joy, love, health, wealth and abundance.

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