Is The Small Stuff Getting To You?

When I was growing up, my mother used to say: “Patience is a great Virtue… everything comes to those who wait”

There are times though, as a business owner that I questioned her wisdom.

We all know the drill, don’t we? ~ We work hard, long hours. We set up new challenges for ourselves, look at different and innovative ways of doing business to benefit our clients, but the bills are due, the cash flow is slow…and we begin to lose it; and then the “small stuff”, is not so small anymore.

And this is precisely the moment when life is telling us: “It’s time to change” ~ A call to action is in order and “the small stuff” is indicative that if we continue to do what we’ve always done, in the same fashion we’ve always done it…….We will continue to get the same results!” ~ So, be thankful when you recognize when the small stuff is getting to you. Use it as your “Kicker” to make changes that will make sense to the growth of your business and put the big J back in the JOY for how you live your life.

1. Take a hard look as to what needs to change.
2. Keep only what you need.
3. Dispose of what you don’t.
4. Transform your frustration into energy.
5. Have a solid plan of action.
6. Make a commitment to “do it.”
7. Follow through.

And, YES, my Mother was right: “Patience IS a great Virtue.”

Do you know someone who could use a little reminder about the “Small Stuff” – go ahead, tell your friend about Vision For Success – they’ll Thank You for thinking of them!


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