As I continue to re-vamp, create and co-create new systems, programs, and products, none can happen without the help of my master mind buddies, clients, colleagues, virtual assistants, team-members and amazing brainstorming sessions, that though, out of the clear they seem to appear, they come to the surface with impacting force to make more than a difference…the cliché is gone….they mean business!
So what’s my “secret weapon that rocks”? – Planning! Pure and simple Planning…without which, you will not know whether you are living in the present, the past or the future, not will you know which one is the best for you……at this “precise moment in time”.
I had one of the most delightful conversations with one of my VAs yesterday which made me realize how important planning for the future was for her, and how much of it, we may take for granted. It’s simply beautiful to listen to a young woman’s aspirations for a wonderful life, not just for herself, but her community at large, and planning….will go a long way into her future while she brings all those dreams into her present. My email and answer to her went something like this:
“I am thrilled with the way you want to focus on your future. A long time ago I heard Tony Robbins say: “People don’t plan to fail…they fail to plan”.
So definitely, planning for your future is important….and creating a written plan which combines both “Personal and Professional/business” goals…it is a definitely “must do”.
Some people like to focus on just the business/marketing/sales side of the plan, and forget to include their personal life as it relates to family, siblings, children, spouses, companionship, friends, community, religion, worship, fashion, on-going education, entertainment, new cars, homes, furnishings, pets, charities, legacy, and it’s a beautiful list of what is a very personal lifestyle that a business or a specific career can support.
I love that you’re thinking ahead. And….you can bring your future into your present to give you a taste of what it would “feel” and “look” like if you were living that dream right now. It’s called “Becoming Your Next Self” and it’s a gorgeous process to go thru; no matter how young or old a person is. Look at Betty White!
I want to support you in all you do. I want you to have a “feel” for what you may want to do (or not) and it leaves you with a sense of many options.
It’s wonderful when we have options, we need to be open to them so they can come to us and when they do, we can see them, recognize them, and embrace them. They are our Future!
This is one of the loveliest conversations I’ve had with one of my team-members, and I felt so proud of her for bringing so many meaningful things to the table, it was breathtaking.
So now I ask you, what are your plans and what do you want to do about them?
I want you to make a list of three major things that you’d love to accomplish before 2010 ends, and send them to me. You and I can have a fabulous, dancing, swaying brainstorm that will send your life into a spin like you’ve never known before…and the results…..totally amazing and priceless.
To your Success, (Always!!!)
Ali R. Rodriguez
Great post Ali.
I have been taking planning very serious these days and it really IS the secret weapon that is rocking my world now.
Thanks for sharing your conversation with your VA.
When done with the right intention and structure, it creates a beautiful and effective execution. I feel “planning” adds spice, vibrancy and congruency to our lives.