Some say the best is yet to come, and I concur.
What was my biggest success in 2013? -–Collaboration!!! I always use a one-word theme for every year, and that was my intuitive choice at the onset of 2013, and it worked like a charm! I made connections I never dreamed would be possible and some of them I got to meet face to face, which it was an absolute bonus. These are strong relationships that, just like wine, will get better with time. My intuitive side began to get stronger which, in turn, created a business space for Vision Chats, which has flourished tremendously.
I personally found more freedom of movement and deep inspiration with many profitable and cohesive ideas, because and through the magic of “collaboration.” My favorite words: “It takes Two to Tango.” Shall we dance?
My Aha moment of 2013? Letting go (and letting God). I’ve heard this expression so many times but not enough to let it sink in so that I can “own and wear it!” Adversity is a great teacher, and how we react to it shows the worth of our souls. Some get it from the get go, some (like me), don’t. It took more than a few times, when it finally dawned on me that what I was going through was priceless in nature, and it was mine…..all mine. The preciousness of its teaching is forever in my soul. I am enriched by its lesson – more flexible, understanding, and dare I say, forgiving. Yes, “aha” indeed! It made me into a better person and a more effective leader.
Opportunities I missed and wished I had back now? There may have been many, there may have been none. I really don’t know. However, I’m not looking back. I don’t live there anymore. One thing I learned during 2013 was to say “yes” to a lot more opportunities that otherwise I would have missed altogether. I’m getting better at eying a good thing when I see it. And this is a win-win for everyone in my life.
What will I do for #bealeader in 2014? I see more international mentoring in different languages, and more embracing of different ideas, views, leadership styles, and definitely more action and interaction. I also see how quality over quantity will always rule, and long-term relationships will solidify. We all are “guiding lights” in our own rights, and #bealeader is in complete alignment with it. Do I hear “mastermind group” in 2014?
This article appeared originally at http://Changeyourgamebealeader.com and it is now been re-publsihed with their permission.
The best is yet to come…how will I bring the best in 2014? — I love working with young doctors, especially those who have started a practice within the past 4 years, and the timing is just right for a coach like me to come into their lives and help them build upon what may seem the time to walk away. I have strategies, systems, processes and projects in place for my business to grow more in the direction of young medical doctors and professional medical assistants and I am super-excited over the upcoming growth. It is through great connections that we learn to grow and think big. And it is through great connections that we can be of better service to others as we fulfill our own destiny.
Wishing you all much love and success!
Ali R. Rodriguez
International Business Coach
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