Are you a coach, an aspiring coach, consultant, author, speaker, or ingenious professional curious about the art of Coaching?
Join me in this brand new program created specifically with you in mind. I call it:
Mastering the Art of Coaching in the 21st Century
Tele-Program series begin every Thursday for 5 consecutive Thursdays:
May 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th and June 4th
2 pm EST – 11 am Pacific
These 5, one-hour Sessions are a Tool Kit for Coaches, Entrepreneurs, Home-Based Business and the Self-Employed:
The Mentor and the Men-tee
The advantage of knowing “when” to be either and how to do it best.
Is it Music or is it Noise?
The art of truly listening.
The Science behind what we do
A) Intellectual Process
B) Intuitive Recognition
C) Energy and Emotions. (The Comfort Zone)<
Are you Investing or are you Wasting?
Both, your money and your time!
How to be ingenious when others are not.
Learn to THINK and ACT Outside the Box and reap the rewards of its many benefits.
Register NOW at this amazing entry-point-level of only $797.00 US Dollars –
AS SOON AS YOU REGISTER, you will receive your private telephone number and personal ID number to access the call. For your convenience, each call will be recorded in MP3 format for easy download to your computer.
This is a great opportunity to gain fabulous insights into the world of Coaching and the many benefits of obtaining clarity, accountability and a great Masterful, Live and By-Design program. You’re going to LOVE it!
Registration begins NOW, May 4th, 2009. Program begins May 7th at 2 pm, eastern, 11 am pacific.
Register here:
The entry point of $797.00 US Dollars for this program is an absolute steal Do NOT miss it. What you learn during this program will come back to you ten-fold and will add to your arsenal of tools and systems. SHARE this invite with clients and colleagues. They will love you for it.
Looking forward to hearing you in the call!
To your success, Always!!!
Ali R. Rodriguez
Business Coach Strategist
and Passionista Expert
“Turning Passion into Profits,
Many Clients at a time”
Proud Owner of Vision For Success
Strategic Business Coaching Services
(386) 615-6282
Facebook: http://Profile.to/AliRodriguez
Twitter: http://Twitter.com/Ali4Coach
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