The following article was written by my good friend, certified Business Asgrologer and author Madeline C. Gerwick, owner of Polaris Business Guide – http://www.PolarisBusinessGuides.com
I was so compelled by her writings, that I decided to share with my readers. ENJOY.
Between now and March we have some major shifts occurring. Last week we had the first of five Full Moons in a row, which will all occur at 29 degrees of the sign, the last degree of any sign. That suggests it’s the end of the road for many situations. So we’re likely to see a lot of endings over the next five months.
Those Full Moons include a Lunar Eclipse on December 21st (Winter Solstice) which has a primary meaning related to new groups forming for the purpose of a new major task. But even that is preceded by endings of existing groups, so the new groups can form.
Next week though, we have a different type of shift. This one is related to the Mayan Calendar. I’ve written about this amazing timetable before, but here’s a quick refresher. The Mayan Calendar consists of 9 major periods of transformation of consciousness (“underworlds”), which have been in play since the beginning of time (or the big bang).
Each period accelerates by a factor of 20. So the preceding period took 20 times longer to complete. At the moment we’re in the 8th period of Galactic Consciousness. This entire period is only 12.8 years long and it began in January 1999. The previous Planetary Consciousness period was 254 years long.
Each of these transformation periods has 13 segments, known as 7 Days and 6 Nights. Day segments tend to be more active with more changes and Night segments tend to be integration periods. The 7th Day or final segment of these transformation periods is the one where we reach the pinacle of development for that particular level or form of consciousness.
On November 3rd, we’ll enter into the 7th Day of the 8th transformation period (or the Galactic Underworld). Being the final segment of this period, it’s another “end of the road.” This period lasts only until March 9, 2011, when we start the final transformation period that lasts for only 260 days. I find it interesting that during this entire period (Nov 3, 2010 – March 9, 2011) all the Full Moons are 29-degree, “ending” Moons.
The primary purpose of this 7th Day of the Galactic Underworld is to balance masculine and feminine energies, rationality and intuition, yin and yang energies, East and West energies. We must do this first before we can move into the last 260-day period, during which we’ll gain unity consciousness (More about this in a moment).
As an example of this, here’s a group of scientists who are working to create a new reality with just consciousness. They’re asking 1 million people beginning on November 11th to spend 11 minutes on 11 days to focus their attention on creating this new reality. http://www.newrealitytransmission.com/ / This is a good example of balancing rationality and intuition, East and West beliefs, and even yin and yang (receptivity and action).
Of course, we’ve lived in a male-dominated paradigm for at least the last 2000 years, and probably a lot longer. All our strategies and power structures are based on male concepts (making things happen, even forcing them to occur within specific timeframes, using war instead of negotiation to settle disputes). The idea of allowing projects and other babies to gestate until they’re ready to be born is not typically accepted, except in the case of a human baby, when we have no other choice. Choosing to negotiate peace treaties instead of going to war is often considered weak, instead of respectful and practical.
Our male/female relationships have been working toward rebalance for many years, and they have especially made progress since the mid-1960s. But even with all the progress we’ve made, we still have plenty of women who either are not safe or don’t feel safe in our society or their relationships. This is primarily an issue related to the distribution of power. What’s going to happen when those scientists prove that focusing your consciousness on a new reality is just as powerful (or maybe more so?) as going out to make war?
We’ll soon see the results of this shift as many situations we’ve had for many years start dissolving in front of our eyes. Notice that this shift occurs the day after Election Day! If this is a cosmic joke, it couldn’t be more appropriate. But this shift is only the beginning.
On March 9, 2011, we’ll begin the final transformation period of the Universal Underworld. This period lasts only through October 28, 2011, and during these short months, we’ll have the same amount of transformation we’ve experienced in the past 12.8 years. (During our present Galactic Underworld, we’ve experienced the same amount of transformation that occurred in the previous 254 years. Note the exponential nature of this accelerated change.) This brief period is designed to lead us into unity consciousness, a level of consciousness that respects all life on Earth. It’s not about everyone becoming the same. It’s about accepting and respecting our differences, and understanding how we’re all related to each other. It might look like there’s six billion people on the planet, but there’s really only one person here and it’s YOU.
As all of these shifts occur, we’ll see changes in the way we run our businesses and our governments. We’ll change our relationships with others, which is fundamental to the other changes that will occur. That’s because all businesses and governments are made up of people and held together by relationships. Watch for these many shifts now through October 2011.
Remember that this Election Day has plenty of possibilities for confusion and even deceptive communications. No doubt we’ll see deceptive advertising all the way through Election Day. So pay close attention to details, both in advertising and how to vote. (Mercury square Neptune) The energies for this Election Day are highly disruptive. In fact the charts for this election show an entrenched issue with the current leaders. They have reasonable standing, and may even be somewhat well regarded. But the public is upset. Those leaders haven’t done enough of what the public wanted in order to keep their jobs. It’s as though the public is on the war path (Moon opposite Jupiter and Uranus), not with guns, but with their votes. The public wants change, but it appears to be less than discerning about the change it’s choosing. The good news is that part of the public is in favor of the existing leaders and understand the enormous task they were given. However, this date does not bode well for the Democratic party to maintain the House and Senate. Perhaps it will manage to keep one of them though? You don’t need an astrologer to tell you this election will be very close.
Be sure you vote. When you vote, be sure you look for light-filled politicians, who can work for us in integrity. Watch the energy they put out and how you feel after you hear their message. Your body will know who deserves your vote. Listen to it.
Madeline C. Gerwick
Certified Business Astrologer
Polaris Business Guides
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