Are you choosing “Freedom” in 2011?


This time of year, everyone talks about planning, changes, moving-forward, transformations, and some interesting and well-meant resolutions that seldom come to fruition. However, how about “Freedom”? Yes, freedom to be who you are without feeling the “need” to please anyone but yourself?

I often ask my clients for “themes” to kick-start their New Year, and this time, without asking, a young mentee of mine, took the theme from a picture of herself looking into the ocean’s horizon with her back turned to the camera. She was immediately inspired by what that picture symbolized. It meant turning her back to the past and saying “hello” to her future…and in her own words:

“I want to make this year all about me, and I don’t need to make an effort. I will be the way that I want to be, the way that I want to feel, and only the people that are okay with that and like it that way, can be a part of my life”!

I promptly realized that she’s looking for her own mental and internal freedom and only those who understand it, or are on the path to finding it, or are already on their way….will she “allow” them to be in her life’s journey, whether for a minute, a day or for a lifetime. She’s also exercising her freedom to “choose” in advance, who she wants in her life, how, when, where and why. This young lady is wise beyond her years, she also has an inner guidance system telling her what’s best for her, and choosing “Freedom” to be who she is and who she wants to be in the future is amazingly refreshing, beautiful, and deeply profound.

I personally think that freedom is “To get rid of beliefs that hold you back and keep you in prison” (that’s my own quote)….and now, I want to hear from you.

What is “Freedom” and what does it mean to you? Do you want it? Do you long for it? Do you already have it? Will you make it part of your New Year’s resolution? Will you choose freedom to be who you are and who you want to be for the rest of your life?

Here’s to “being”…..just who you are!

Happy New Year !!!!

Ali R. Rodriguez

5 Responses to Are you choosing “Freedom” in 2011?

  1. Donald W at #

    Joyous New Year Ali,

    Freedom for me is beginning to look like focusing on who I am and what I do well instead of what isn’t working. As a somewhat compulsive “fixer” I am looking for what is broken or not working. As I’ve done that for myself I’ve found that I’m bound up, always dissatisfied and driven to “do more”. So freedom is to turn around from that and look at the good stuff and how to make it even better.


  2. Freedom is being at choice. Being aware, being present – being open to opportunity. Freeing your body and mind to welcome new concepts…….. letting go & shaking things up!

  3. Ali at #

    Shanking things up is always a way TO Freedom. Good for you Paula!

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