Is that you, Ali?


Is that you, Ali?  Said a an unfamiliar voice while I was engrossed reading a fabulous article on my computer screen at the local coffee house.

I looked up to find this young man, with a grin on his face, not sure of what he was going to say next when he realized I was not the Ali he was looking for.  Acting a bit embarrassed, I told him not to feel bad for the confusion and invited him to sit with me.  After all, my name is Ali.

As you can imagine, he was very perplexed and wondering where his Ali was, someone he had not met face to face yet.  A conversation ensued as to the drive behind the meeting.  Turns out that he is a very indecisive person and most of the time he is driven to avoid personal interactions based on fear of rejection or being disliked!  Such a young man, handsome looking and well-mannered was afraid of being rejected or disliked.  Imagine that!!!

Once again I am reminded how INDECISION can be such a powerful driving force behind inability to interact with others at a  vulnerable level.
Indecision can also be a fatal dose to the success of a business and even life experience.

Have you ever been stuck in the limbo of “decision paralysis?”   I want to help you get past the decision-making limbo status so that you can jump-ship into a Luxury liner.

  • Create a clear intention to be present and in the present.
  • Show-up.
  • Let go of what you cannot control.

Living with clear intention and in the present, makes it so much easier to arrive at your decision-making process, even if it’s just to shake-off the paralysis you’ve felt before. It is not always easy; however, clear intention helps you tremendously to make that one single, solitary decision; no matter how big or small.

Creating the intention to be present helps you overcome the sense of sadness that comes when you don’t fully show up in life, especially when the fear of rejection if prevalent.  Always show up, even if you think you can’t.  By doing so, you are strengthening your ‘decision-making’ muscle and forming a new habit for successful future outcomes.

Remember all of your assets, focus on all the things you know how to do so well, and above all, remember what makes you TICK! Let that be your driving force in shaking-off the decision-making blues.

Need a little help in the decision-making arena?  I’m The Nudger-In-Chief and would love to help.

And if you’re wondering what happened to the young man that for now we will call Jimmy?  He was in the wrong coffee house! OR was he????


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