Most of us have heard the clinical expression “OCD” (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) which as Wikipedia explains it: “is a mental disorder characterized by “intrusive thoughts” that produce anxiety, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing anxiety, or by combinations of such thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors or compulsions”.
However, what if I tell you that Obsession, in and of itself, can actually be good to your health and wealth! Yes, it can, and this is why. (I’ll tell you the “how” along the way.)
Do you remember having a song in your head that you just couldn’t get rid of it, then you walk into a store, and low and behold, the same song is playing? – Or, how about that constant thought that doesn’t seem to want to leave you alone, and when you wake up in the morning, there it is again, and you wonder, what the heck?
I’m here to tell you that you’re not crazy, you’re just being brilliant and don’t know it yet. You have a passion for something that continues to show-up as a constant melody or a perennial thought which your subconscious really, and I mean really, wants you to do something about it!
It’s one of your many passions showing up in a very determined way telling you, “Do something with me, I’m on fire and need to be self-expressed!” – And because passion with action is what truly monetizes what you do, who you are, who you serve, and who you work with, it’s the reason why, obsession is a very good and healthy thing for you to have. Yes, your passion becomes obsessed with the thought of “acting upon itself”, and this in turn, helps you capitalize on it. Beautiful, isn’t it?
The more passionate you are about something, the more likely you are to be obsessed about what you love to do, why you’re doing it, and who you want to do it for and with. The results are always amazing. Imagine that you’re passionate about fulfilling a dream and all of the sudden, you are so focused, you actually become obsessed about attain it? You will create a beautiful Master piece! – So you see, your “healthy” obsession, meaning, your passion becoming obsessed about self-expression, drives you to create a business and a life that is exquisitely by design and not by default.
Six easy steps to “Healthy Obsession”:
- Acknowledge situations that prompt you to act upon something almost impulsively, and without reason. Ask yourself: Why do I want to do this? Allow “passion” to show its color by letting you see the “what” and the “why.”
- Pay attention to the ideas that seem to come out of nowhere and yet, you know deep down that they not only sound great to you but you have a strong sense that there’s something awesome you can do with them.
- Write them down. I know it sounds simplistic, but you want to make sure you capture them, don’t let them get away. Anything that it’s not on paper, have a high rate of not coming to fruition.
- Get a “Passion-Obsession” calendar. Keep track of all the happenings that are clearly in direct connection to this treasure chest that you have just found. You see, it is no longer a map; it is now your “treasure” and you can duplicate and multiply this fortune many times over with the right tools and people by your side. Use the calendar as a guide to help you get things done. Schedule your passions and your obsessions to monetize all of your ideas. Trust me, it works like a charm.
- Acknowledge loud and clear what your passions are telling you. Honor them by understanding that it is a healthy thing for them to want to become self-expressed, because they have their best interest at heart, and that is YOU!
- Hire a coach, a mentor, a trusted-advisor to help you turn your many passions and obsessions into a wonderful, financially rewarding reality. The time to act is now. When you do, your money bucket will fill-up like you’ve never seen before and all your efforts will be deeply rewarded speedily, rapidly and immediately. Yes, we are a NOW generation!
Ali R. Rodriguez is a Business Coach Strategist and Passionista ™ expert, helping professionals fuse passion with profits, monetize their expertise, and create a lifestyle to match. Ali’s multi-lingual and multi-cultural background adds diversity to her coaching style and to her business and marketing programs. Her focus is on growth, expansion and amazing bottom-line success.
Ali is the Proud Owner of VISION FOR SUCCESS. A global, full service coaching and consulting firm dedicated to providing clients with professional, personalized services and guidance in the areas of Business Planning, Strategies, Marketing Plans, Branding, Networking, Operating Procedures, and Business Overview.
http://www.VisionForSuccess.biz (386) 615-6282
Brilliant article, Ali!
It is true that when PASSION fills my being, it is an amazing obsession. Life and love flood through me, out of my fingers and into my writing!
I LOVE your writing and the latest entry about the “F” word is outstanding!
Love you!