I have been receiving a lot of requests lately with: “So I’m finally on Facebook, now what”?
If when you read this line it calls to you, good! This also means you are not alone!
Because of the amount of requests received by my office, I’ve decided to do an improptu teleclass on Monday, January 25th at 2 pm, (Eastern Standard Time) 11 Am Pacific.
Your requests have been heard, as well as your frustrations of not knowing what to do next in order to have a successful and enjoyable encounter during your Facebook experience. I know some of you are ready to give up, or even afraid to get it going at all. Like, is it really worth it?
Rest assured, all your questions, issues, and concerns will be addressed during this 1 hour teleclass, which by the way, will be recorded! I will also share success tips as to how to navigate the mysterious world of “friends requests” and how to craft your profile message. These two things are super-important in the world of Social Media and On-Line Marketing.
There’s a catch though. Because I want to keep this simple, I’m not setting up a sign-up page for you to register and get the dial-in number, etc. So in the interest of time, please dial directly into:
(712) 421-8827 PIN 2297 #
That’s the catch. Of course, let your friends and colleagues know by forwarding and/or sharing this event invitation with them. In fact, feel free to tag them so that they too can be enriched by the experience and the knowledge. Can you do that? Excellent, then.
There’s a tiny, little warning: This is a high energy, high voltage, interactive class!
This call will be recorded in case you can’t attend, however, you’ll have to email me directly requesting the audio link at: Ali@VisionForSuccess.biz – Do that anyway, even if you do attend and still want the audio link for your listening pleasure later on. By the way, there is ZERO cost for this class.
I’ll hear you tomorrow on the call.
My best always,
Ali R. Rodriguez
Business Coach Specialist
and Passionista Expert
(386) 615-6282
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